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Strada Provinciale della Chiana 62, 53042 Montepulciano – (Siena)
tour@carpineto.com – +39 3477603727

When: 2 August 2024

Events: The “Etruscan treasure” of the Carpineto di Montepulciano company: in search of the two tombs among the Appodiato vineyards.

Guests will be welcomed into the Carpineto company, Tenuta di Montepulciano, a 184 hectare natural oasis, where they will be introduced to the company reality.

Afterwards, an expert in archeology and geology will guide them on a treasure hunt among the vineyards in search of the two Etruscan tombs located on the Carpineto property.

At the end of the walk the story begins about the Etruscans in the area, and in particular about their great culture of wine and agriculture.

They will be the experts of the archaeological group of the most important Etruscan museum in the area, the Archaeological Museum of Chianciano, who will reveal secrets and techniques of cultivation and production of wine in ancient times.

All this will be accompanied by a convivial moment with an aperitif in which it will be possible to taste typical products of the area and some wines from Carpineto production.


Reservation required: https://www.carpineto.com/shop/wine-experience/tour@carpineto.com – +39 3477603727

Price per person: €35,00 adults | €20 under 16

Additional useful informations: The event will start from 7.00 pm at the Carpineto company, Tenuta di Montepulciano, Strada Provinciale della Chiana, 62 – Reservations required.

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